Recent Supporters

Fundays in Nottinghamshire is a company limited by guarantee and a registered charity governed by its memorandum and articles. Charity number 1097340, Company number 04590084 being incorporated on the 14th November 2002.

Sir Andrew Buchanan, Bt., KCVO., Former Lord-Lieutenant of Nottinghamshire

Directors and trustees
 I R.Summerton FCA (Chairman)
  E Attenborough
 Mrs G Clifton BA, BSc.
  K Sharma
  D S Stewart, OBE, BA(Hons), M.Ed
  Mrs S Warzynska MBE
  Mr D Wild
  Mr N Box

Registered office
44 Castle Gate, Nottingham NG1 7BJ

N. Fasey ACA

NatWest Smiths Branch 16, South Parade, Nottingham NG2 1BJ

Browne Jacobson Solicitors
Mowbray House
Castle Meadow Road
Nottingham, NG2 1BJ

Recent Supporters

  The Lady Hind Trust
  JN Derbyshire Trust
  The Jones 1986 Charitable Trust
  Jessie Spencer Charitable Trust
 The Mary Potter Convent Hospital Trust
 Trustees of the T E Clarke Settlement

We are very grateful for their support.
Without continuing support, we would have to disappoint the most vulnerable in our County, and it is our resolve that this must not happen. We will continue to ask for finance, and we will look to existing supporters for continuity while, at the same time, we try to open new avenues